End of Season Boat Sale

It’s time for our annual end of season boat sale.  We need to clear out the boat bay to make room for snow blowers and shovels.  This year, we’re selling some of the most popular boats from our rental fleet.  “Most popular” does not mean “most dilapidated”; these boats are awesome.

Call us, email us, or come on down to take a gander.  The prices listed are subject to some reasonable negotiation.


River Kayaks for Sale

  1. Jackson FunRunner 70 – $850
  2. Jackson Zen 75- $850
  3. Jackson Zen 65- $850
  4. Jackson Zen 55- $850
  5. Jackson Villain S- $750
  6. Jackson 4Fun- $700


Rafts for Sale

  1. 16′ Hyside BucketBoat – $900
  2. 16′ Big Red BucketBoat- $900
  3. 12′ Rikken Self Bailing- $1000